Chances are, you're experiencing a battle between the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious part of our mind houses logic, rational decision-making, and willpower. But did you know that this part of our mind makes up only about 12% of our total brainpower?
The remaining 88% is ALL happening on a subconscious level. So it’s no wonder it’s not easy to break a habit!
If you're struggling to change a behavior or habit, it's because on some level there is a subconscious motivation to keep it. Hypnosis helps to easily access the subconscious mind by creating deep levels of relaxation.
Some things I have worked with recently:
*Perfectionism *Letting Go of Past Hurts *Procrastination *Late Night Eating *Fear of Flying *Letting go of old Relationship Patterns *Imposter Syndrome
Struggling with a pesky habit that is keeping you stuck? Let’s connect.